Application integration

1.Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
2.Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)

a. Amazon eventbridge
b. AWS Stepfunction
c. Amazon simpleworkflow (Amazon SWF)
d. Amazon MQ

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) 

is a web service that enables applications, end-users, and devices to 
instantly send and receive notifications from the cloud.


Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)

is a fully managed message queuing service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. Amazon SQS moves data between distributed application components and helps you decouple these components.


Amazon EventBridge: (formerly called cloudwatch events)

is a serverless event bus service that makes it easy to connect your 
applications with data from a variety of sources. 

You can set up routing rules to determine where to send your data to 
 build application architectures.

EventBridge enables you to build event-driven architectures that are 
loosely coupled and distributed. 


AWS Step Functions:

makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications 
as a series of steps in a "visual workflow". 

You can quickly build and run state machines to execute the steps of 
your application in a reliable and scalable fashion. 


Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)

Amazon SWF helps developers build, run, and scale 
"Background jobs that have parallel or sequential" steps. 

Amazon SWF gives you full control over implementing tasks and coordinating them without worrying about underlying complexities such as tracking their progress and maintaining their state. 


Amazon MQ

is a managed message broker service that makes it easy to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud.Amazon MQ works with your existing applications and services without the need to manage, operate, or maintain your own messaging system

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