Horror Story : I Am Waiting For You....EPISODE 23

They reached Hyderabad by evening and checked into a hotel.

After freshen up they went to near by shanti sagar and had masala dosa and coffee.

"Lakshmi's uncle house is just 20mins drive from here. We can go now" said Deepika.

"Sure lets go. But before starting call him once and ask if hes home" said Deepika's dad.

She called up to confirm his availabilty and they reached his house in next 30mins.

Lakshmi's uncle and aunt welcomed Deepika and her family. And offered them coffee.

"Lakshmi had called me, she told me everything. Felt very bad. 
You were so close to that girl Sarika. Why would she haunt you" said Lakshmi's aunt.

"That is what i dont understand aunty. After finishing college and moving from hyderabad, i  dint have much contact with Sarika or her family.. Only after Lakshmi telling me i came to
know about Hemanth sir's death" said Deepika

"Yes ma. Hemanth died in a accident. After that family sold their house here and moved,  i dont know where they moved" said uncle.

"Ohh how do we find out where abouts of his family and Sarika. Only if we find out about them we can put an end to this... said Aryan.

"The person who bought house from them is Owner of nearby super market. Tom morrow i wil take you to him. You can see if he has any information about them" said Uncle...

"Oh that would be really helpful. We will come around 10am tommorrow" said Aryan's dad.

Next day Aryan, Deepika came to meet the Super market owner. Owner was busy at  billing counter.

They waited for 10mins. Then Lakshmi's uncle introduced Aryan, Deepika to him and said they have come from USA, they are family friends and  need information about Hemanth's family..

"Oh i dont have any information about where they moved. But i was asked to deposit all money to Hemanth's dad account.. I think the bank account was Pune branch" said Owner

"Oh Pune is so bit city, without address how do we find them" said Aryan.

"You people can contact Ramiah in college. He is one who did all transactions when i bought house. He might know their address" said Owner..

"Oh Ramiah sir, i know him. He was our HOD. said Deepika

Deepika and Aryan thanked Owner and Lakshmi's uncle and started to College.

Deepika was let in after confirming she is Old student of this college and here to meet HOD Ramiah regarding Hemanth.

"Sir i am Deepika, old student of this college. I am here to know about Hemanth sir's address" said Deepika

"Guess you are not aware, Hemanth is no more. His parents moved to pune" said Ramiah

"Yes sir, After marriage i moved to USA, i came a week back.. Came to know about it..  I knew his parents and his daughter Sarika personally. So wanted to meet them" said Deepika.

Deepika and Aryan collected address of Hemanth's family and thanked Ramiah...

"Thank god we got address. We need to go pune and meet them.. Let aunty, uncle and my parents go back.  We can  start from here directly" said Deepika.

"Yes we can do that. My friend Raghu stays in Pune. Let me call him. He will do all arrangements for our stay" said Aryan

"Oh Raghu your roommate in USA" asked Deepika

"Exactly, my close friend Raghu. Atleast through this reason i get to meet him" said Aryan with a smile.

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