Showing posts with label 3A. SNIPPETS OF MY LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3A. SNIPPETS OF MY LIFE. Show all posts


I met my son  5 days after he was born.  You read it right!!!

Unlike all moms i dint get to meet my son, immediately after 
he was born. If you have read my post about Day of son's
birth, you would know how complicated and life threatning 
delivery was. 


Holding my son 1st time 5days after he was born.

Tharun in NICU

I was discharged after 5 days  stay in ICU. I was asked to 
leave home without Baby, as he was supposed to stay in 
NICU. Though baby was breathing on own without support, 
Doctors wanted to keep baby in observation as he was 
preterm born at 32 weeks, while full term is38-40 weeks. 

I went to see my baby for first time, 5 days after he was born.
He was in NICU, the buidling was adjacent to the building i 
delivered baby.  There he was lying down in an incubator.

It broke my heart to see him so fragile, with multiple plugs on 
his chest and nose.. I ended up crying. Ramesh consoled me,
as we might be asked to go out, as its quiet place for nicu

We kept watching him, finally i touched his hands through the 
small opening in the incubator, i felt so happy to feel the tiny 
hands for first time..

We saw nurse observing us, i got scared and pulled my 
hands away from incubator, and said.. "Sorry wont touch 
him again, please let us watch him for 5 more mins"...

Nurse said , its alright.. And asked, if i want to hold the baby...

"Really, can i hold the baby", i was pleasantly surprised... 

Plugs have to be still connected, as long as you sit right next 
to incubator, i can let you hold him for 5mins, said the nurse...

The moment i held my son for first time, all the trouble we 
wentthrough in pregnancy and my life threatning delivery 
was worth it....

I was excited , and scared at same time to hold him, as he 
was very tiny... It was happiest moments of my life....

When we were leaving, we were given instructions to visit 
NICU daily to feed the baby... We were allowed thrice a day
to visit baby to feed him. We were asked to be available 
9-6pm..WE stayed 45mins away from hospital.

So going to and forth wasnt going to work. So next two 
weeks our  routine  was to visit hospital daily and stay 
there  9am-6pm.. 

My parents werent happy me visiting hospital daily.. As i was
just recovering myself from life threatning delivery and i still 
had  high BP and my entire body was still swollen also  there
was no place for us wait.. We just had to wait in lobby and 
reception, and we were only allowed 10mins three times a
day.  I had a option to pump milk and send it with Ramesh.  

But seeing and holding my little baby 30mins a day made 
all this trouble worth while.  Next 18 days, Ramesh and me 
spent  9hours a day in hospital lobby,  waiting for chance to
see and hold our son....

After 18days, doctor said it was time to discharge baby. We 
were asked to take a room in hospital for 48hrs and stay
with baby in hospital, to make sure baby is ready for  
transition from NICU incubator to staying with mom
in a room.... Finally Aug 12th we got our little one home..

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Aug 24th 2015... 

Our little one completed  one month today. Tharun was born at 33w5d, so he was in NICU..We could bring him home only after 21days..

I got to see my precious one only after 5days after he was born, as i myself was placed in ICU because of high BP and Platelets complications,and his Dad(Ramesh) used to visit him twice daily...

After a week, i used to visit him daily, and Nurse used to allow us to hold him skin to skin contact they call it KMC, Kangaroo mother affection and KFC, Kangaroo fathers affection. Tharun used to happily sleep with Mommy and i asked Ramesh to try it once, Ramesh was scared to hold him, but later did and enjoyed it...

He was so tiny, i needed couple of days to get confidence to even hold him with Nurse help. After couple of days we used to visit him everyday 9-6 where i was encouraged to Nurse him for 5mins, then
bottle feed mothers milk, i.e when i learnt to feed him, burp him, and change diapers. Its all new to me and  was scary that i would harm baby in any way as he looked very tiny...

Last 2days he was shifted to ward, where i had to spend 48hrs with him and manage him, so they could discharge us.He cried all night, though i had my aunt's help being up all night, wondering why he is crying, pacifying him was all not easy.

Finally D day Aug 12th we got him home, before i could get used to the routine i got Urinary Infection and suffered with  Shivering, high fever and joint pains, next one week i had to suffer.. Ramesh took care of me, while Tharun was cared by my Aunt..

After a week i recovered, and slowly got used to being up 24/7 routine :).  Sometimes its easy when he sleeps in night, somenights he gets all cranky and wants us to hold him all night...Ramesh who was scared to hold him, now holds him pacifys him when he is cranky.

Guess this is a different journey all together.. Looking forward for
next month with our Little Bundle of joy.

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Its true that "Time flies, when you are with dear ones"...

I still remember the day "Jab we met"  Dec 3rd, 2006. 
We complete 18years today..

It was December,and it was very very cold..I started home around 8;00am, we had discussed to meet around 10;00am.. I kept messaging about where i was,when i almost reached, asked him to come to Bus stand to pick me up...

Ramesh wore a lousy jeans,some T shirt and hooded Sweatshirt and Slippers.He was waiting for me in bus Stand..He dint have a bike, and we walked..

I wore a Capri jeans, white Top and a sandals, with a cute handbag..

It was definitely not a Love at first sight,as i totally had a different view/perspective/expectation about my Prince Charming..Like every 20  something girl i dreamt of a guy with Racing bike, Good physic,Attractive, Romantic, Expressive,Loving,Caring and Rich enough...

But after spending day with Ramesh,i realised I could simply talk anything and everything under sun, he was a great listener, a simple person, and i could be myself around him..  I felt very comfortable/happy, talking/spending time with him. And we became close friends very soon...

I remember Ramesh telling, My Friend tease me,that i found a very young  "Friend". Though he is just 3.5yrs elder than me, 23 seemed very young to him and his friend..I learnt from his friend, that he likes me and also Probably Loves me,but hesitant as he had to settle down in job first..By then i had realized, i had become so much attached to him, talking crazily hours together over phone. And i missed him so much...

Atlast i Proposed him...(Yes i proposed him )). And my dumb hero, said he wants to settle down, hes not sure, but he likes me too.. I decided to cut the friendship, as i knew it would be too difficult to be friends after this. I dint call/receive for 3-4days,Finally when he tried reaching me, i said  "Its better we stop here, as i have developed feelings for you, and its tough to be friends after this, and there is a marriage proposal at home..They are  coming to see me the weekend.

 He went to Tirupati after this...When he came back, he met me, and confirmed he loves me too, and will marry me...
Even today he makes fun saying " venki was your side, he made me crazy about you, and here i am, Married to you..."

Fast forward 11years, Even today he is a great friend...Life has changed for Best...I still enjoy spending time with him, i wait for weekends just to be with him (we hardly get time in weekdays)...I love when he pampers me like a child.  He hates when i see price tags while shopping,or dining in costly restaurants,  and Love the fact the he doesnt care spending, when it comes to ME.. Best moments of my life is lying in my sweethearts arms, where i feel Safe..

I couldnt have asked more for a better  Friend, Lover, Husband, Life partner and my soul mate.Thank you God,for my Best Gift of Life...

If i can go back in time,1 thing i would like to change is meet him much earlier, so i can spend some more years with him..


You would be wondering why i call it as Rebirth for me.
 Read along to know about it. It all started with this.

Previous week(Monday at 32 weeks) we had just finished Seemantham(Babyshower). Next Tuesday we had our regular scan at 33w2d (33 weeks 2days).

I had developed condition called preeclampsia 
 from 30th week. I had started swelling up. I had blown up and had put on 24kgs in 3weeks time.... It was all water retention.  Doctor who saw me at scan said i should immediately undergo Emergency C section as i had high BP and entire body had developed Edema(Swelling caused by water retention)  as its dangerous for both me and baby.

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys.  
Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal.
Symptoms: Weight gain; Edema; Hypertension
Risk Factors: Kidney disease; Vitamin D deficiency...
Rare : Fewer than  200,000 US Cases per year.

We immediately got admitted in cloud nine hospital.  Doctor  gave steroids (To develop baby lungs in case its born early) and also gave tablets for BP. After 2days Doctor felt BP is managed and we could wait for couple of weeks to give time for baby to develop as 37 weeks is considered full term.After 2days observation i got discharged

Next day afternoon around 1pm i got severe unbearable chest pain, i could not eat, sit, stand or lye down.. We called doctor and she suggested to take dolo, which i did.

 Even after 1hr nothing changed and i couldn't bare pain anymore. We called our Regular doctor and said i am not able to bare pain, she was shocked that i had not delivered yet, she called up cloud nine doctor and suggested to do immediate Emergency C section. 

And i was rushed to hospital around 3;30pm. my husband drove me to hospital. I had my mom with me. And by time we reached hospital my dad came...

I was directly taken to delivery room..Delivery doctors and others were getting ready and i was continuously monitored for BP and fetal heart beat..

Anesthesiologist came in 10mins. He saw my bp was very high and refused to give anesthesia till bp comes down, saying there are chances of me getting fits and would be danger for my  life and the baby's life..

Chest pain was unbearable i kept begging doctors to give anesthesia so i wouldn't feel pain.. I was given injection to reduce bp and they waited for 20mins.. But it did not come down as per the expectations..

I could hear them talking, if we wait more it would be problem for baby in womb.. I was told they are going to take a chance and give anesthesia just to save baby. And doctor explained me there are chances of me getting  fits and it will be life threatening situation..

(Although most pregnant women in developed countries survive preeclampsia, it is still a major cause of illness and death globally. According to the World Health Organization, preeclampsia and eclampsia cause 14% of maternal deaths each year, or about 50,000 to 75,000 women worldwide)

I was in so much of pain i just said yes i know my life is in danger, please give anesthesia and deliver baby.. Doctors discussed among themselves and explained scenario to Ramesh  and asked him to sign papers agreeing, that he understand the risk and  to allow surgery..

Finally they gave me Anesthesia and all i remember is doctors trying to push baby and said its  complicated and asked my husband to stay outside.. That's it, then i passed out.

When i got up baby was delivered and i was moved to ICU and baby to NICU....

It was not over,  my parents and husband were told there are signs of liver failing and platelets counts are dropping and i have to be in ICU for observation at least 48hrs and they were asked to arrange as much as donors as possible for blood platelets..

At this point  my parents and husband was running around to arrange donors.. But i dint have any pain apart from c section stitches. But the swellings had not come down and i was still bloated and couldn't move an inch.. I was whooping 125kgs.

My hands legs stomach everything was bloated so heavily.. I was even finding difficult to breathe let alone walk or sit with this weight and c section stitches..

1st day even after giving enough platelets, it did not increase. Ramesh and my parents got more worried.. Also my bp was still high and urine was dark.(Dark urine indicates liver Problem). Doctor told Ramesh i am not showing any sign of improvement and without platelets increasing it will be difficult for me to survive.  I was continuously monitored for BP and urine..

2nd day doctors told, again i need to be given more platelets. My parents and Ramesh struggled to get more donors finally got a bank to get platelets for money.. End of 2nd day i showed improvements.. And my bp was reducing a little and urine was turning light... It was great relief for everybody..

Finally 3rd day i was moved to room which we had  booked for delivery.. I was given tablets for painkiller and BP.. Now that i was moved to room, Ramesh was relieved a bit and went to see our baby to NICU(next building).. First 2 days everyone was so worried about me, nobody got chance to see baby as it was immediately taken to NICU after delivery  and Ramesh could not visit Baby with all this tensions..

4th day Doctor  removed catheter and suggested i should start walking..  But my body swelling was still not reduced and i was still 125kgs.. When a lean nurse tried lifting me up to sit and gave up, i almost fell. From then on i made them clear Only Ramesh will lift me up and take me restroom.. I was asked to drink tons of water to help clear the urine color, that only added more restroom trips. Day and night Ramesh had to be next to me as i was very scared to get up without his help.

Next 3days Ramesh and my aunt was my full time care takers. Ramesh had to lift me every time i got up to use restroom or take bath or eat. Those 3 days Ramesh took care of me like a baby helping me take  bath, eat and use restroom.. With my gigantic weight and swelling of whole body i used to find it very hard to even sit,walk or lie down.

Finally after 5days i was discharged.. So after 5days of delivering my son i got to see my Miracle Baby, but couldn't take him home as he needed more nicu hospital stay..

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